Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Morgan Hill Real Estate Market Heats Up

The Morgan Hill real estate market seems to following the weather here in Morgan Hill, CA.  The sun has come out and brought with it home Buyers and Sellers.   In Holiday Lake Estates there have been several listings that have come on the market and entered contract after receiving multiple offers.  This is significant because of the price point in Holiday Lake Estates being considerably higher than the conforming loan rate and several that are higher than the maximum purchase price allowed in order to have been eligible for the First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit.  Therefore, the assumption would be a shift in market dynamics since other outside forces may not have been a factor.

March was a great month showcasing leadership in local real estate here in Morgan Hill and the trend continued through April at Alain Pinel Realtors in Morgan Hill.  We are looking forward to, and are energized by, the ability to assist real estate buyers, sellers and investors achieve their dreams of home ownership as we enter May.  Stay tuned.